Shake Table Laboratory
The Shake Table Laboratory consists of a 3 x 3 m seismic simulation table. The table has a linear hydraulic actuator with a fatigue rating of 500 kN (110 kip) which is guided by linear bearings. The stroke capability of the unit is ± 300 mm (± 12 in.) with a nominal peak velocity of 1 m/sec (40 in./sec) and average velocity of 1/2 m/sec (20 in./sec). The linear guide bearings are sized to test a 20 MT payload with a CG 3M off the table surface. This may include 60 MTM over turning moment at 1g.
Cowasjee Material Testing Laboratory
The Cowasjee Material Testing Laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art testing equipment. It has a 1m thick reaction floor and 1.3m thick reaction wall which can be used for testing of structures subjected to vertical and lateral loads. The equipment in the lab include a portal frame designed to work with the 5000 kN pseudo dynamic test system. This system consists of two large structural H beams to provide the vertical support and is mounted on the reaction floor. Complete system includes 5000 kN actuator, hydraulic power supply, hydraulic service manifold, digitally supervised analog servo controls, pseudo dynamic application software, different sizes of LVDTs and load cells.