What is SHAKE?
South Asia Earthquake Network (SHAKE) is a multi-national joint initiative in south-east Asia which has been formed in 2012 for seismic risk reduction in the region in order to reduce monetary losses and casualties due to earthquakes. The participant countries of SHAKE include Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. The focus of SHAKE is on enhanced data sharing mechanism, consistent interpretation and analysis of the data, dissemination and implementation of the findings and capacity building for earthquake vulnerability and risk assessment of the infrastructure in these member states using the state of the art technologies. The members of SHAKE include scientists and engineers who are involved in earthquake-risk mitigation strategies. These individuals who are expected to play a pivotal role in leading and training future generations of earthquake engineers.
SHAKE aims to contribute and to facilitate the seismic risk reduction in South Asia through the realization of the following objectives.
1. Characterize seismic hazards uniformly and to the highest standards
2. Rigorously validate earthquake and shaking probabilities using local, regional and global data
3. Communicate seismic risk clearly, accurately and transparently to all users
4. Integrate local expertise in a regional and global context
5. Monitor and update changing infrastructure and vulnerability
6. Build seismic risk management capacity in the whole region
7. Enable dialogue with decision-makers